(upbeat music)

Blue screen appears with text: How do you ensure the well-being of people in your team?

Text appears at bottom left of screen: Rebecca Rolls General Manager Investigations Serious Fraud Offce Te Tari Hara Taware

Rebecca: I think the best way to ensure well-being of people in a team is to get alongside them, to get to know them a bit better. Probably build a rapport, get to know a bit more about what they're interested in and get them to a point where they feel comfortable telling you if they're not okay, coming to you if they have got too much work, whether it be personal or operational.

I think really just get to know them, get them comfortable with youand also, maybe create a team culture where other people are happy to sidle up to you and say, "I think so and so is struggling with something" but I think just make it okay for everyone to express how they're feeling and make sure that you try and anticipate people's needs ahead of time, as well just to make sure they've got everything they need and I think inherently people overestimate what they will have time for or what they can do or what they can take on because they want to really want to do a good job. So, I think part of that is a leader's responsibility to manage to a point as well.