The Leadership Development Centre (LDC) delivers programmes, resources and experiences that help public sector leaders grow the breadth and depth of their leadership skills. Our aim is to create a community of strong, agile leaders with the skills to work across agency boundaries.

How we work

We connect individual leaders and member agencies across the public sector with development programmes, resources and experiences that amplify their leadership potential.

We collaborate with executives, senior leaders, human resources/organisational development communities, our network of expert providers, and the local and international academic community.

We listen so we can design and deliver the best outcomes for leaders and organisations across the public sector.

We share best practice and resources. And we identify, assess and share systems that contribute to positive leadership behaviour.

Our programmes and services

Through our flexible delivery options we provide a range of products and services that include:

Common and Core Development

In 2018 New Zealand’s core public service chief executives agreed to take a common approach to development for all new people leaders, new leader of leaders, and new senior system leaders.

The  LDC has co-created a range of resources to help agencies:

  • develop their leaders against core development priorities specific to each level of transition.
  • embed consistent leadership development across the Public Service
  • make sure every new leader receives the transition support they need to succeed, and that no new leader is left behind.

We are supporting our member agencies to identify and develop an efficient and cost-effective delivery model for Common and Core Development.

Read more about Common and Core Development and what it means for New Zealand’s public sector agencies.

About LDC [PDF, 419 KB]

Become a member

LDC membership is available to all public sector organisations within New Zealand by way of a levy which is set according to agency size. Find out more about how LDC membership works, and the benefits of membership to your organisation.

Become a LDC member agency

Annual and quarterly updates

Our annual and quarterly updates summarise for our member agencies how we are:

  • delivering against our planned work programme, and
  • supporting the leadership development goals of Te Kawa Maataho Public Service Commission, and the wider Public Service.

Quarterly updates 2024/25


Annual updates

2023-24 annual update [PDF, 212 KB]

2022-23 annual update [PDF, 166 KB]

2021-22 annual update [PDF, 169 KB]

2020-21 annual update [PDF, 1.2MB]

2019-20 annual update [PDF, 2.5 MB]

2018-19 annual update [PDF, 1.1 MB]