(upbeat music)

Text appears at bottom of screen: What does effective leadership look like to you?

Text appears at bottom of screen Talei Pasikale, Senior Analyst, The Treasury

Talei: I think it's that they actually inspire me to do better. I think a leader is someone that you actually follow. I once heard this saying, a really good saying about leadership, where if you, to be a good leader you have people following you because otherwise, you know, you’re actually just taking a walk. You’re out there on your own by yourself.

And so, it's the who do you bring with you as well and how you inspire them to be the best who they can be and, how do you also go in a particular direction if you think about even if you are taking a walk how you get everyone to come with you, how do they, you know, arrive at the same time doing the particular jobs that they're doing. Yeah, so it's that kind of thing.