As a leader you are responsible for implementing strategy and positioning your team to meet customer and future needs, as well as engaging others in the vision. To manage this, you will need to think, act and plan strategically.

Leading strategically is one of the core capabilities of the Leadership Success Profile (Te Kawa Mataaho Public Service Commission). It is described as: “Think, plan, and act strategically; to engage others in the vision, and position teams, organisations and sectors to meet customer and future needs.”


A strategic leader:

  • makes sense of and can navigate complex an ambiguous situations
  • incorporates curiosity and critical thinking to support decision making
  • can communicate a compelling vision to create a collective purpose to implement strategy
  • puts strategy into action connect and motivate their team to implement.

This toolkit is for leaders who want to sharpen their strategic leadership skills to:

  • support the implementation of organisational strategy
  • develop and enact a strategy or business plan
  • think strategically and progress current thinking
  • align work plans and activities with strategic objectives
  • engage the team in the vision.

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